How to go Smoke-free

The purpose of the Building Success website is to support efforts to implement smoke-free policies.

The Building Success research team conducted three studies that examined the opinions and experiences of early adopters of smoke-free housing policies, and identified key approaches that supported implementation efforts. This website provides information on how to implement a smoke-free housing policy. It identifies common barriers and strategies to overcome them and documents step-by-step strategies to support policy implementation. Adopting a smoke-free policy can be difficult at times but it’s helpful to remember that the end goal is to protect the health of everyone in the community.

Smoke-free policy implementation is a process. It involves Preparation, Action, and Maintenance.

figure showing preparation leads to action leads to maintenance

In the PREPARATION phase:

In the ACTION phase:

  • Draft an Action Plan
    • Incorporate feedback from residents and staff
    • Finalize plans based on implementation strategies
  • Develop community partnerships
  • Delegate tasks
  • Put your Action Plan to work

In the MAINTENANCE phase:

  • Review your Action Plan regularly, make modifications as necessary using the Building Success resources
  • Add new Action Steps to address any obstacles that arise
  • Tailor the approach to what works for you

Next, go to PREPARATION and follow the guidelines to get started creating your Action Plan.