
Smoke-free policy implementation involves MAINTENANCE.

  • As the plan goes into effect, don’t assume that it is “one and done”. Be prepared to refine your approach and be responsive to feedback from residents and other stakeholders. Remember, implementation is a process that may take months or years to reach its final goal.
  • You want to continue to have regular, ongoing conversations about the smoke-free policy before and after policy implementation. In these conversations and throughout the process, it’s important to emphasize that the policy is “smoke free” not “smoker free.” Smokers are still allowed to live in the community. They just need to adhere to the smoke-free policy about where smoking is and is not allowed.
  • Review your Action Plan regularly, make modifications as necessary using the Building Success resources
  • Above all, stick with it! Everyone will reap the benefit: a safer, healthier community for all, and a place where kids have a better chance to grow up smoke free. This means less illness, and more lives saved.


Like growing a garden, policy implementation is ongoing, and requires regular and consistent attention effort. It needs water, sun, maintenance and upkeep.
  • Planning = months
  • Implementation = months/years

The major takeaway we learned from the housing agencies we talked to was that success is incremental – that it’s important to be persistent and pragmatic. Each approach will impact and improve the benefits of other approaches, in a continuously strengthening cycle.

Building Success Toolkit

Download Building Success toolkit:

Implementation Guide

Action Plan

Quit Smoking Resource Guide

Secondhand smoke monitor tipsheet

All tools